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A digitally designed, 3D printed, Laser cut, electronic, automative robotic helmet. K-8T's centre eye hosts an infinity mirror, the visor it is attached to moves upwards and the mouth guards move outward away from each other. The helmet is designed in three sections that can be taken apart for customisation, upgrades and repairs. Because the helmet is 3D printable there is the option of customisation to any of the three sections.

Krypton Season 1&2

My Favourite project to date, Krypton is an American television series developed by David S. Goyer for Syfy. The series takes place on the eponymous planet, approximately 200 years before the birth of Kal-El / Superman and eventual destruction of the planet, focusing on his grandfather, Seg-El (Cameron Cuffe). I was located in the armoury, building weaponry and props over the course of 5 months. Krypton was my favourite production to work on to date as it was entirely Sci-Fi (my favourite genre) and involved a lot of digital to physical fabrication to create these alien props. I also honed my molding and casting skills in the process of working on this production.

The Boy Murder

The Boy Murder was a short graduate film I worked on during my final year in college. I designed and fabricated the Warg mask in 3D and 3D printed it from my desktop Ultimaker 3D printer.


This is a Design I came up with and helped pitch the idea to AIB. The concept is that the kids would colour in a paper bank note and deposit it into the vault. the kids would then turn the wheel on the front operating the cogs, allowing the and activating a vacuum that would blow paper money around in an acrylic box at the top. At the end of the competition one of the Kids would win a prize.

Captain Morten and The Spider Queen

Captain Morten and the Spider Queen is Irelands first Stop Motion Animation feature film in which A young boy learns to take control over his life when he is shrunk to the size of an insect and has to sail his own toy boat through a flooded café. Morten has to be shrunk down before he can grow up.

I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to design and build both sets and props for this film and am featured in this behind the scenes documentary. I was also fortunate enough to composite on this film too.


Burrows is comedy animation for Kids focused around a supermarket run by woodland animals. This Project is currently being revamped into a different style of animation and this is where I came in. I was asked to restyle all of the props in this piece into forced perspective to suit a more pastel drawn background. Unfortunately the footage for this revamp isn't available as it is still in the early stages of funding etc.

Jose Cuervo

This Jose Cuervo advert was made for Facebook to celebrate Dia de los Muertos (The day of the dead). My role in this project was to make the Chili pepper Mariachi Band. I molded and cast the peppers and sculpted the arms from miliput while laser cutting the sombreros and lining them with felt.


An interactive educational helmet built for the World street performing world championships. The helmet, when placed on a head, activates a monitor depicting a brain scan animation as well as turning on LEDs and working fans attached to the helmet.

Slug Design

This Polysculpted, fibreglassed 3.5m x1.5m slug was built as a way of drawing attention from passers by to the Prop me up warehouse.

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